January 2019 Announcements


Temporary Emmet Street Closure – As a part of the ongoing waterline project along Ivy Road, Emmet Street, and Sprigg Lane, a portion of Emmet Street will be closed December 19, 2018 through January 14, 2019. The closure of Emmet Street will run from Ivy Road south to the McCormick Road Bridge, with access to Sprigg Lane provided through the work zone.


Long Range Transportation Plan Open House – The Charlottesville Albemarle Metropolitan Planning Organization is hosting a public open house on January 14th. The open house is an opportunity to learn more about the Long-Range Transportation Plan and the Jefferson Area Bike and Pedestrian Plan.  The Long-Range Transportation Plan serves as a guide for the Charlottesville area in creating a more efficient, responsive and environmentally-sensitive transportation system over the next 20+ years.  The Jefferson Area Bike and Pedestrian plan is a regional plan focused on non-motorized transportation. The plan will provide recommendations for on and off-road bicycle and pedestrian improvements.  The Open House will feature maps, posters and opportunities to engage with staff to provide input on transportation solutions that help meet our Region’s long-range transportation needs.

  • Date: January 14
  • Time: 5:30 pm-7:30 pm
  • Location: 407 East Water Street, Charlottesville

Two hours of validated parking available with a Water Street Parking Garage ticket.


Leaf Season is Here – The City of Charlottesville offers residents two options for free curbside lead collection:


Christmas Tree Recycling Program – City of Charlottesville curbside trash or recycling service customers may place Christmas trees at the curb for collection the week of January 14, 2019.  Trees must be at the curb by 7 a.m. on Monday, January 14 for collection that week. Trees must be free of ALL decorations, stands and nails. This program is for Christmas trees only. No yard waste will be collected.  As in years past, trees will be taken to Darden Towe Park for chipping along with trees collected by Albemarle County at their collection sites. The trees will be mulched, and the resulting mulch will be offered to the public at no cost beginning on February 1, 2019 at Darden Towe Park.


Fontaine Ave. Streetscape Public Workshop – Thursday, January 31st, 2019, 5:30pm – 7:30pm (may be 5:00pm – 7:30pm, TBD), Virginia Department of Forestry, 900 Natural Resources Dr., #800 (This is at the back of the Fontaine Research Park).


Scooters and Dockless Bike Share – By now certainly have seen the lime green bicycles and scooters around town.  The City of Charlottesville approved the first Dockless Scooter and Bicycle Policy Pilot Program permit to Lime.  The policy strengthens the City’s transportation network and meets the City’s environmental and mobility goals.  The temporary pilot program is planned to last until July 31, 2019.  For more information about the City’s Dockless Pilot Program please visit: www.charlottesville.org/dockless. To learn more about Lime and how to access these devices, please visit www.li.me.


Free Smoke Alarms – The Charlottesville Fire Department offers free inspections and smoke alarms.  Call 434-970-3245 to arrange an appointment.


Home Improvement Incentives, Credits and Rebates


MyCville App -MyCville is a simple and intuitive online and smart phone application that enables the residents of Charlottesville to request services and identify quality of life and environmental issues and report them to the appropriate department for quick resolution.  Learn more at: http://www.charlottesville.org/community/mycville-service-request.


Charlottesville City Crime Map – The new crime map can be accessed at: https://gisweb.charlottesville.org/CrimeMap/.  You can enter your zip code at the upper left to zoom into your neighborhood and select a range of dates on the upper right.

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