Invited Guests
Amanda Poncy, Bicycle and Pedestrian Coordinator for the City of Charlottesville, will be soliciting comments on the proposed pedestrian improvements along Jefferson Park Avenue. The proposed changes include curb extensions at crosswalks, median refuge islands and a pedestrian activated rapid flashing beacon and crosswalk across Jefferson Park Avenue at both ends of the project area. The preliminary concepts were first presented at the Fry’s Spring Neighborhood Association meeting on October 9th, 2013. Information about this project will be posted at:
Old Business
Flint Hill – a new 10 acre Planned Urban Development (PUD) has been proposed off Flint Drive and Keene Court, between Moseley Drive and Longwood Drive. A brief summary of the Community Meeting held December 13th will be provided.
Capital Improvement Updates – an update on the status of our other requests will be provided.
Fontaine Ave. Streetscape Improvements – A brief update will be provided. A website has been set up where information will be posted as well:
New Business
No new business at this time