Meeting to be held from 6:30-8pm on July 10th at the Cherry Ave Christian Church
New Business
- Planning Commissioner Rory Stolzenberg will be joining the FSNA to begin a discussion on rezoning for density that was proposed in the draft Comp Plan. Commissioner Stolzenberg has also requested the Planning Commission to consider a Zoning Text Amendment to rezone specific parcels within the Fry’s Spring Neighborhood where ongoing or future development is expected to soon take place, to allow for more density. For details about the proposed Zoning Text Amendment and a report on the current housing stock mix in Fry’s Spring, please see the Planning Commission’s July 9th agenda, pages 114- 126 (https://www.charlottesville.
org/home/showdocument?id=65765 ).
Old Business
- FSNA Board Nominations – Oktoberfest, the FSNA’s annual meeting is three months away! One of the most important activities at this year’s Oktoberfest will be the election of the 2020 Board and new leadership is required. Any resident of the neighborhood is eligible to serve. Serving on the board is a great way to get to know your neighbors, the neighborhood and the City. If you would like to serve, please email the Brian Becker at:
- By-Laws Update – In the two decades since the FSNA was established much has changed in the neighborhood and in the City of Charlottesville. The way we communicate and exchange information has also evolved. A frank discussion is necessary about what the FSNA will look like in coming years. Earlier this spring the FSNA Board began reviewing the bylaws to provide the necessary flexibility for the changing nature of the FSNA and our times. We will continue the discussion over the next several months and have the By-Laws ready to vote on at Oktoberfest.
Next Scheduled Meeting:
- August 14th, 2019, 6:30 to 8 pm at the Cherry Avenue Church. Bicycle and Pedestrian Coordinator Amanda Poncy will return to take feedback on the temporary bollards that have been installed on JPA and to discuss the next phase of the JPA Pedestrian Improvement Project. In September, the city staff responsible for Zoning and Code Enforcement will attend for a conversation on what is permitted under the current and proposed zoning in the Fry’s Spring Neighborhood and how zoning is or isn’t being enforced.