Fontaine Streetscape Update

The City of Charlottesville Department of Public Works held a Design Public Hearing for the Fontaine Avenue Streetscape Project on Wednesday, May 12, 2021 from 6:00pm – 7:30pm. The meeting served as an opportunity for citizens to review the current project design, interact with the design team and comment on the project’s environmental documents, major design features and proposed right of way limits. Attached is a summary of the Public Hearing which includes a detailed list of comments received over the formal comment period. A summary of the written comments and the design team responses to those comments can be found in APPENDIX F: Written Comments and Responses.

The file has been uploaded to the project website:

The next steps for the Fontaine Streetscape project include going to City Council in July of 2021 for approval of the Design Public Hearing Findings and obtaining authorization from the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) to enter the right-of-way stage. In early 2022, the project team will begin the right-of-way phase, pending VDOT authorization, and submit 90% drawings.

Contact Kyle Kling, Transportation Project Manager, for the City of Charlottesville with questions.

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